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Evans, Lauren Adair
Serving in Germany | Acct # 400405
Adair grew up in North Alabama, and majored in German history during undergrad, even though she didn't know what she was going to do with that degree. Many years later, she came to faith when the Lord relentlessly pursued her, and in an instant, changed her heart of stone into a heart of flesh. After working with a local ministry that helps trafficked women, there was no doubt that God was revealing His plans for her life. Her calling to serve victims of forced prostitution led her to Germany, which is known as "The Brothel of Europe."
Adair works with national partner churches doing outreach into the strip clubs and brothels of Munich. She also works with a Christian organization based in Munich that provides safehouses and practical assistance and support for women leaving situations of sex trafficking and forced prostitution. Adair remains steadfast in her commitment to securing the long-term sustainability of such ministries by forging strong partnerships with national church partners, and equipping churches to demonstrate God's justice and mercy to the most vulnerable and exploited within their communities.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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