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Godefroy, Scott & Pipit
Serving in Japan | Acct # 400939
Scott and Pipit value your prayers as they partner with followers of Jesus in the U.S. and in Japan. God has been building His Church in Japan but the Church there is small, comprising less than one percent of the population, and it welcomes co-workers from abroad for the sake of Jesus.
The Godefroys will serve in Nagoya, a major city of Japan, along with a team of other missionaries and with the Presbyterian Church of Japan. This MTW team is focused on church planting and on running a school for missionary kids. The Godefroys will join in both of these efforts. One particular area of need that the Godefroys will work in is a hospitality ministry of Nisshin Christ Church. This ministry regularly hosts and engages students of two nearby universities.
Scott and Pipit were first drawn to serving in Japan while studying at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis where they became friends with a Japanese pastor and his wife. The Godefroys are thankful for the opportunity now to join with brothers and sisters in Japan to share in the ministry of hope offered by the gospel.
Please pray for the Lord to open doors for the gospel.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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