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Brinkerhoff, Jane
Serving in Japan | Acct # 10525
After teaching in a PCA Christian high school for 10 years, Jane attended a summer missions program to Asia where she realized for the first time the drastic spiritual need of Japan, whose Christian population numbered less than 1%. She joined an MTW team ministering in the greater Nagoya area. After helping start a church there that is now self-supporting and under Japanese leadership, she moved to a peninsula with unchurched towns to do evangelism and discipleship there. This resulted in one unchurched town having its first church, which is now self-supporting and under Japanese leadership. But some surrounding towns still have no churches, so she continues doing evangelism and discipleship, along with Japanese partners, with the prayer that churches may be started in those towns as well. Means of outreach have included evangelistic Bible studies, hospitality, young moms' groups, singing groups, and mercy ministries among the elderly and handicapped. The spiritual resistance is strong, and workers are few, so much prayer is needed.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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