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Cambodia Village Internship

Cambodia Phnom Penh Summer Internships Asia - Southeast

Spend your summer living and teaching English in the small Cambodian village of Angk'jeay (60 miles south of Phnom Penh), and reaching out to children and youth. You'll be working with the English/Bible outreach of the village church plant to teach English to the students there. There are also lots of other opportunities for hands-on involvement: helping with Sunday school, teaching music or computer, and sports outreach, especially basketball.

Living in a small village with a missionary family, you will also spend a great deal of time interacting with others, participating in team life (like cooking, cleaning, and meetings), participating in church life, and fellowshipping. You can also expect language learning, training, and mentoring. It's a great chance to learn about cross-cultural ministry and grow in your walk with Christ while serving on a supportive, vibrant team.

This mentored summer internship is a 2025 RUF partnership site. (In addition to summer months, internships may be available throughout the year.) Visit the team website to read about other interns' experiences in Angk'jeay Village.  

Dates: June through July

For FAQs and more info, visit

Interested in a summer internship, but overwhelmed by the choices? That's OK! Tell us as much as you can, and we will help you find your fit!


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