Isaiah 55 Ministries works among the Deaf and marginalized to make disciples, encourage the worship of Jesus, and promote justice and reconciliation. Their deaf education program spans from K-12 with an eventual focus on vocational training. Their outreach programs include tutoring, Bible class, art, small group fellowship, etc. at the community center providing both physically and spiritually for the young people of the neighborhood.
Volunteer mission teams come alongside Isaiah 55 staff to encourage, help, and participate in their programs. Isaiah 55 hosts both weekend warriors and weeklong mission groups over spring break, the summer, and other times throughout the year.
Contact Isaiah 55 directly for more information or to reserve a date:
Read the April Newsletter from the Holliday's to see what's going on in the field.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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