With most universities in Japan without a campus ministry, it’s not surprising most Japanese college students have never heard the gospel. Yet there’s a friendly and welcoming attitude from Japanese youth toward Americans. They listen to our music, watch our movies, mimic our pop-culture, yet many never travel outside Japan, giving them very limited opportunities to meet a foreigner.
The college years are one of the best times to reach Japanese youth—they have time to hang out and talk and they’re seeking answer to questions about who they will become and what the future holds. After they graduate, the Japanese workforce often demands over 80 hours a week from them. Join us as we seize this window of opportunity to bring the good news of Christ to them. Our team is hoping to see many university students meet Jesus and impact the whole of Japan with the gospel. We’d love to have your help!
Candidates should serve for at least a year, but two years would be ideal. As you serve, our team will mentor you and support you.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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