Bible Study Changes Lives and Sparks Church Growth in Uganda (VIDEO)

By Franklin Beaver, Sep 10, 2024

The way Ben Church and the MTW Uganda team started their church plant was pretty conventional. They started a couple Bible studies and invited their neighbors. In Uganda, that’s a pretty effective strategy, according to Ben, because people are very open to talking about God.

People came from a variety of backgrounds—Roman Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal—but few had heard the proclamation of the gospel clearly. They had not experienced clear biblical teaching explaining what Scripture means in a systematic way.

A number of people came to true faith in these studies. One of them, Justine, a widow struggling to provide for her kids, had explored other churches, but the focus was on how to do the right things to get what she needed from God. At the MTW-led study, Justine learned about who Jesus is and what it means to trust in Him. She later would say, “Now I’m free in Christ. … I still have needs, but I know He loves me. … He's gonna provide for me." Since that time, Justine has been a core member and a pillar of the church.

Franklin Beaver
Franklin Beaver is a video specialist missionary serving with the MTW Marketing and Communications team. Before joining Marcom in 2023, Franklin and his wife, Beth, served for 10 years on the field in the Middle East and UK providing media production resources and church planting support for MTW colleagues and national partners.
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Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 

Pray for national believers taking on growing leadership roles in Uganda. 

Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.  

Give thanks for the new growth in Kampala as a Bible study multiplies and the church grows. 

Pray for the South Sudanese church that has formed in Uganda from refugees who have fled their homeland.

Pray for our ministries in Africa, where many have come to expect broken systems and corruption. Pray that God would intervene and change hearts that would change communities.

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.

Pray for Christian businessmen and women making a difference through the Business Development Center in Kampala, Uganda.

Pray for Rev. James Bab and the South Sudanese refugee church in Uganda, that they'll be strengthened spiritually while living as refugees, and be able to be reunited with their families.

Pray for BAM efforts in Uganda. BAM helps people provide for themselves, but the ultimate vision is for them to use their businesses for kingdom purposes.


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