Church Planting in Colombia: A Video

Mar 19, 2013
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Reach the Next Generation in Bogota
1–11 Months
Hospitality and Administration
Bogota Summer Intensive | June 4-25
Mission Trips

A Picture of Adoption and a Life Transformed Through RUF-Global (VIDEO)

A void left by a broken family sent Daniel searching for truth. He is now helping other college students find love and acceptance in Jesus.


Claudia: A Life Transformed in Bogota (VIDEO)

As a teen Claudia decided that church and God just weren't for her. Until one night when she came face to face with her greatest fears.


A Day in the Life of an RUF/MTW Intern (VIDEO)

MTW/RUF intern Nicholas Manley spent last summer ministering to college students in Bogota, Colombia. He narrates a typical day for us.


Pray for new churches being planted in Colombia. Every church MTW helps plant is a missionary church whose vision from the start is to plant other churches.

Pray for the RUF-Global interns and campus ministry in Bogota, Colombia, and give thanks to God for the lives He is changing there. 

Pray for MTW-RUF's ministry on the university campus in Bogota, Colombia, that God would use it to draw many to Himself.

Pray for church-planting work to increase and bear much fruit in strategic cities around the world that are filling with diverse international populations.

Pray for a Chinese man who recently came to faith in Colombia and will be moving to China with his family.

Pray for the MTW/RUF ministry among college students in Bogota, Colombia. 

Give thanks for the church leaders that God has been raising up in Bogota, Colombia. Pray that this growth will continue. 

Please pray for the students involved in the MTW/RUF-Global campus ministry in Bogota, Colombia, that they would develop a deep walk with Christ. 

Give thanks for women finding faith through a recent book club in Bogota. Pray for these women as they grow in their knowledge of Christ. 

Pray for two missionary couples who have recently transitioned to the field in Bogota, Colombia, as they build relationships and share the gospel with university students, neighbors, and friends, that the Lord would use them mightily to expand His kingdom.


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