Then They Were Orphans

By Mandy Marcone, Feb 2, 2015

Mandy: Tito, I'm really sorry that you don't have a Dad.

Tito: Thanks. I've just had to get used to life without one.

This was a conversation Tito and I had just a few days before Tito's Mom died in the hospital during a blood transfusion. Lidia had been sick for several months, but once she was diagnosed with anemia, doctors were able to begin treating her. The family was very thankful that she was getting better, but she needed blood. The Peter Project helped the family pay for the three liters of blood she needed, but as the blood went in, a clot formed that went to her heart, and she passed away.

Roberto, Jacob, and I were able to go with Tito, his little brother, older sister, and other family members to the funeral. This was one of the hardest experiences we have dealt with. Watching Tito and Chelito try to process the fact that they are now orphans and watching as their 21-year-old sister beat the casket holding their mother's body screaming, "Don't leave me alone to take care of them! Come back! You can't do this to us!" was heartbreaking.

The boys are unsure of what their future holds, but we plan to remain committed to them whatever that looks like. Please remember this family in your prayers. They desperately need to know the hope of Jesus.

Mandy Marcone is an MTW missionary with The Peter Project in Honduras. Help support The Peter Project and provide a home for children like Tito. Learn more at

(Pictured above from L to R: Chelito, Jacob, Tito)

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Pray for the orphaned and street children at The Peter Project. Pray for these beautiful boys to know the love of Christ and find refuge from the effects of poverty.

Pray for the street children in La Ceiba, Honduras, to find love, permanence, and a solid faith in Christ.

Pray for the used clothing store business ministry that helps young single moms in La Ceiba, Honduras receive job training.

Pray that God would call pastors to serve at a Bible institute in Honduras, and elsewhere around the world. 

Pray for our ministries in Honduras, impacted by severe lockdowns followed by two hurricanes.

Please pray for those in Honduras whose livelihoods have been devastated by the COVID-19 lockdown and for missionaries stepping up to meet their community's needs.

Pray today for Puerta de Esperanza (Door of Hope), which ministers to the needs of impoverished and vulnerable single mothers in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Pray for first-year missionaries who can feel incompetent and overwhelmed as they begin ministry on the field.

Pray for the street boys involved in the Peter Project ministry and drop-in center in Honduras. Pray that the boys will develop a relationship with Christ, grow spiritually, and heal from the impact life's hardships.

Pray for current missionaries, future missionaries, sending churches, and donors to be willing to ask the question, "How could God use me?"


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