Cape Town, South Africa, is a city of great natural beauty, a coastal vacation destination with a diverse array of people groups, languages, and cultures. Yet it is also a city with great economic disparity, political conflict, and racial tension. MTW South Africa ministers in both of these worlds.
Approximately half the population of Cape Town lives in the outlying townships, primarily non-white areas likened to overcrowded ghettos. Most pastors here have little to no training; the need for solid theological education here is enormous. MTW South Africa desires to be a Reformed voice in training these pastors and church leaders and encouraging Reformed church plants in the townships. The team also partners with local churches in several outreach ministries.
Additionally, some on the team are part of REACHstudents, a vibrant student ministry that seeks to reach and serve students academically, emotionally and spiritually. Evangelism, discipling, skills workshops, and outreach activities are the heartbeat of this ministry.
Galage, Tim & Therese
Tim and Thérèse are called to equip national leadership in third-world churches. They are currently serving in Cape Town leading Bible studies, discipling women in the local church, and mentoring leaders.
Tim and Thérèse are called to equip national leadership in third-world churches. They are currently serving in Cape...

Hurrie, Shaun & Becky
Shaun and Becky join the MTW South Africa team in Cape Town. Shaun’s role is to teach at the Bible Institute of South Africa and serve in a local church plant.
Shaun and Becky join the MTW South Africa team in Cape Town. Shaun’s role is to teach at the Bible Institute of South...

McGinty, Coby & Pamela
Coby and Pamela minister with Reach Students, a Reformed student ministry at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. They are deeply involved in student ministry and their goal is to serve God by ministering to each student’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical needs.
Coby and Pamela minister with Reach Students, a Reformed student ministry at the University of Cape Town, South...

Quinn, Hunter & Laura
Pray for the Quinns as they evangelize and disciple university students in Cape Town.
Pray for the Quinns as they evangelize and disciple university students in Cape Town.

A Church Planted in a South African Township (VIDEO)
What started with a soccer ministry and a girls Bible club in Westlake village has grown into the first Reformed church in the community.
SEE MORERecapturing Universities for Christ in Cape Town, South Africa (VIDEO)
The McGintys connect with university students by offering seminars and community that lead to deeper relationships and faith discussions.
SEE MOREThe Need for Discipleship in Africa (VIDEO)
As a pandemic rages throughout the continent, MTW Africa moves forward with a clear vision to transform the church through discipleship.
SEE MOREMobilization Priorities for an Africa in Crisis (AUDIO)
The Church in Africa is growing rapidly, but corruption remains rampant. Where is the life-giving transformation of Christ? How can we help?
SEE MORESouth African Woman Replaces Family Rituals with the Word of God
While studying at the Bible Institute, she recognized that the rituals she’d been taught in her family's church were not biblical.
SEE MOREReimagining the phrase "This is Africa"
Africans say “This is Africa” to explain inefficient methods, bribes, abuse of power, and crazy driving. But does it have to be that way?
SEE MOREBy Grace Alone
In South Africa there are many churches, but few that teach that people are saved by grace alone.
SEE MOREPray for the growth and community of the Westlake village church plant and ministries of in Cape Town, South Africa.
Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.
Pray for the women in a ladies' study in Cape Town, South Africa. Pray for courage and discernment to separate family rituals from biblical truth.
Pray for our ministries in Africa, where many have come to expect broken systems and corruption. Pray that God would intervene and change hearts that would change communities.
Pray for believers in Cape Town, South Africa, to understand the reality of salvation by grace alone. Pray for more leaders to be raised up to teach Reformed theology in Africa.
Support a ministry seeking to collaborate with and connect Africa-based organizations and missionaries to broaden the biblical and Reformed influence throughout the region.
"The Journey" is a chronological film-based tool to equip local believers across sub-Saharan Africa.
Help fund theological studies for young African men who are pursuing ministry on the mission field or in the pastorate.
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