Malawi is often called “the warm heart of Africa" because of the warmth and friendliness of its people. Yet these friendly people have had their share of struggles. The agriculturally based economy often suffers because of the climate, and many live in poverty. Twelve percent of the population suffers from HIV/AIDS, with tens of thousands dying every year and many children orphaned by the disease. It is a fertile ground for mercy ministry and church planting.
Often described as a majority Christian nation, Malawi is certainly a nation with many churches. But there is a lack of sound churches that ground people in Scripture and faithfully proclaim the gospel of Christ. Our Malawi team has begun a ministry of church planting, with the desire to establish a network of Reformed, Presbyterian churches across the country. They are beginning in the city of Blantyre, the second largest city and commercial capital. Since Blantyre is also a university town, the church plant will reach out to students as well as minister to children and youth who have suffered traumas such as the death of parents, abuses, and abandonment.
Makhalira, Confex & Mwai
In Malawi, Confex and Mwai desire to plant churches that will reach out to families as well as students.
In Malawi, Confex and Mwai desire to plant churches that will reach out to families as well as students.

Rogers, David & Kelly
David and Kelly are excited to help train this next generation of pastors and their wives as they plant churches in Malawi.
David and Kelly are excited to help train this next generation of pastors and their wives as they plant churches in...

MTW Compassion Funds Feed the Starving During Global Pandemic
As quarantines continue, people are beginning to starve. MTW missionaries, acting as the hands and feet of Christ, are responding.
SEE MOREInternational Director Victor Nakah and His Vision for Africa: A Video
The future of the Church in Africa is in jeopardy unless the focus shifts from evangelism to discipleship. It's time to deepen the Church.
Pray for missionaries in Malawi as they begin the work of planting Christ Presbyterian Church.
Pray for growth of the new Bible study started recently in Malawi. The goal is that a core group of families will grown into a new church plant.
Support a ministry seeking to collaborate with and connect Africa-based organizations and missionaries to broaden the biblical and Reformed influence throughout the region.
"The Journey" is a chronological film-based tool to equip local believers across sub-Saharan Africa.
Help fund theological studies for young African men who are pursuing ministry on the mission field or in the pastorate.
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