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Norway is a largely secular country. It is materially wealthy, but spiritually poor. Even though many people are members of the Lutheran state church, only about 2% attend church regularly. The majority of Norwegians are convinced they don’t need God. Moreover, Bible-believing Christians are not used to going to church and the pandemic has not made this easier. Nor are they used to tithing—they are accustomed to the government providing everything.

The most secular part of Norway is in the east—yet, it is in this place, among these people, that we seek to be salt and light, and to plant biblical, God-centered churches. We do this through prayer, evangelism, preaching, the sacraments, and elder training. We also reach out through a podcast and book publishing. We want to see Norwegians glorify God and enjoy Him forever, knowing that God alone is the one who will transform hearts.


Lupton, Andrew & Laura Kate

The Luptons serve with MTW in Oslo, Norway, laboring to plant an international church in this strategic city.

The Luptons serve with MTW in Oslo, Norway, laboring to plant an international church in this strategic city.

Stava, Jonas & Pattie

Jonas and Pattie work to spread the gospel in Norway through planting an international church in Oslo.

Jonas and Pattie work to spread the gospel in Norway through planting an international church in Oslo.

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New Fields in Europe
Church Planting in Norway: All Gifts Needed

Pray for MTW's work in a part of eastern Norway considered to be the most secular region of the country. Pray as our missionaries and national partners seek seek to be salt and light, and to plant biblical, God-centered churches.