Sometimes called “the Athens of Latin America,” Bogota, is a city of universities, a political center, a hub of Colombian business and industry, and a tourist destination. This is the home of the very rich and the very poor, of famous drug lords and famous authors, and it is a city in which God is building his kingdom.

Here, in partnership with a number of healthy, indigenous Colombian churches, the MTW Bogota team works in three areas: an English-language international ministry centered around the United Church of Bogota; college ministry through Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Bogota’s National University; and assisting the Reformed Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Colombia in planting churches and training Christian leaders throughout Central and South America. All told, those three branches of the team cover a lot of different ground—yet they are united in their central vision and mission to reach Colombia with the gospel, planting churches, working to renew the city, and advancing the kingdom of God in Bogota.


Baxley, Andrew & Kelly

Andrew and Kelly are helping to reach the next generation in Bogotá, Colombia.

Andrew and Kelly are helping to reach the next generation in Bogotá, Colombia.

Dishman, Peter & Lauren

The Dishmans serve college students in Bogota, Colombia, through a strategic partnership between MTW and RUF.

The Dishmans serve college students in Bogota, Colombia, through a strategic partnership between MTW and RUF.

Graham, Eric & Anna

Eric and Anna Graham serve in Bogota, Colombia, working with MTW's local missionaries and youth in the community.

Eric and Anna Graham serve in Bogota, Colombia, working with MTW's local missionaries and youth in the community.

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Hospitality and Administration
Bogota Summer Intensive | June 4-25
Mission Trips
Reach the Next Generation in Bogota
1–11 Months

A Picture of Adoption and a Life Transformed Through RUF-Global (VIDEO)

A void left by a broken family sent Daniel searching for truth. He is now helping other college students find love and acceptance in Jesus.


Claudia: A Life Transformed in Bogota (VIDEO)

As a teen Claudia decided that church and God just weren't for her. Until one night when she came face to face with her greatest fears.


A Day in the Life of an RUF/MTW Intern (VIDEO)

MTW/RUF intern Nicholas Manley spent last summer ministering to college students in Bogota, Colombia. He narrates a typical day for us.


In a World of Growing International Mobilization, Andrew Lupton Serves the Displaced

Instead of "Where are the unreached people?" Andrew suggests we ask "Where are strategic intersections of the nations?" Then let's go there!


What Is Missionary Life Like for Kids in Colombia? (VIDEO)

Join the Lupton kids as they give us a video tour of a typical day in their lives as missionary kids in Bogota, Colombia.


Threads of Grace: Training Church Leaders in Central and South America

With its central location, Colombia serves as a perfect hub to train leaders across the region. Just ask Javier, Marco, Alberto, and others.


Pursued by God in Bogota

Disillusioned after a crisis of faith, he vowed he’d never commit to a church again. But God wouldn’t let him go so easily.


When God Called a Wandering Backpacker

“I've been on a seven-month journey trying to find myself, but I'm more lost than ever.” His journey then led him smack-dab into Jesus.


Finding Faith Through a Book Club in Bogotá

A Tim Keller book provided the answers one woman needed to commit her life to Christ.


Welcome to the Jungle

Ministering to at-risk kids in Bogota, Colombia.


Church Planting in Colombia: A Video

Learn more about Mission to the World's work in Colombia.


Pray for the RUF-Global interns and campus ministry in Bogota, Colombia, and give thanks to God for the lives He is changing there. 

Pray for MTW-RUF's ministry on the university campus in Bogota, Colombia, that God would use it to draw many to Himself.

Pray for church-planting work to increase and bear much fruit in strategic cities around the world that are filling with diverse international populations.

Pray for a Chinese man who recently came to faith in Colombia and will be moving to China with his family.

Pray for the MTW/RUF ministry among college students in Bogota, Colombia. 

Give thanks for the church leaders that God has been raising up in Bogota, Colombia. Pray that this growth will continue. 

Please pray for the students involved in the MTW/RUF-Global campus ministry in Bogota, Colombia, that they would develop a deep walk with Christ. 

Give thanks for women finding faith through a recent book club in Bogota. Pray for these women as they grow in their knowledge of Christ. 

Pray for two missionary couples who have recently transitioned to the field in Bogota, Colombia, as they build relationships and share the gospel with university students, neighbors, and friends, that the Lord would use them mightily to expand His kingdom.

Pray for the ministry "The Jungle," in Bogota, Colombia, that serves at-risk kids.

Pray for new churches being planted in Colombia. Every church MTW helps plant is a missionary church whose vision from the start is to plant other churches.

Latin America Training Facilitator

Fund a mobile training facilitator who works alongside missionaries and local leaders throughout Central and South America to disciple and train pastors, ministerial candidates, elders, and deacons.

South America Campus Ministry

Help Reformed campus ministry spread throughout South America by supporting training conferences led by the RUF team in Bogotá, Colombia.

Colombia Church Planting

Meet Diana. She is a native of Bogota, Colombia, and a graduate of the National University of Colombia. During her university years, Diana got involved in a local chapter of RUF launched with the help of MTW missionaries Peter and Lauren Dishman. As Diana grew in her understanding of the gospel...