In the heart of one of Chile’s most God-resistant areas, an MTW church-planting team began the ministry here in 1992. Most of the initial contacts, resulting in the Reñaca Presbyterian Church, were made through conversational English classes. With all of the original team members in other areas, the Viña Team is now in its third generation of missionaries and has recently started a second church plant in downtown Viña del Mar, hoping to establish a strong Presbyterian denomination with sending churches. The Viña Team’s vision is to establish a presbytery in the greater Valparaíso area, and to partner with other Presbyterian and Reformed denominations and congregations for mutual strength and encouragement.
Grotton, David & Danielle
David and Danielle serve at CEMIPRE (the ministry center to the differently enabled) and in a local congregation.
David and Danielle serve at CEMIPRE (the ministry center to the differently enabled) and in a local congregation.

Rug, John & Cathy
The Rugs are working to bring the gospel to some of Chile's "disposable" peoples, including the blind.
The Rugs are working to bring the gospel to some of Chile's "disposable" peoples, including the blind.

Rescuing the Unseen
MTW's CEMIPRE ministry center for the blind is restoring hope in Chile, especially in the wake of devastating wildfires last February.
SEE MOREMercy Matters: Q&A with Missionary John Rug
Missionary John Rug was born blind, but he is not disabled. He is "differently enabled." We sat down with John recently for a Q&A.
SEE MOREPray for MTW's CEMIPRE ministry center for the blind as MTW missionaries, staff, and volunteers help restore hope in Chile, especially in the wake of devastating wildfires.
Pray for the Vina del Mar ministry to the "differently enabled." Pray that those with disabilities would find their true value in Christ.
Mobility training helps the blind learn to travel independently to MTW Chile’s Presbyterian Ministry Center for the disabled.
Support the MTW team’s word and deed outreach to the disabled of Chile.
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