Photo: Amy Glass


Cambodia is a land of contrasts: a charming culture and a brutal history, a growing economy and intractable poverty, modernizing cities and traditional villages, the stranglehold of folk-Buddhism and the new hope of Jesus Christ. Here, a diverse team of MTW missionaries offers the healing grace of Christ and a vision of multiplying churches to a nation in need of hope.

In the villages, where close-knit communities live in fear of spirits and ancestors, MTW missionaries have planted a church and disciple school-age children. Another part of the team plants churches and partners with local Christian leaders in the growing city of Phnom Penh, where the culture is much more focused on the material. In both contexts, works of mercy and justice, such as medical ministry and trafficking prevention, go hand in hand with the preaching of the gospel. Though the history of Cambodia is full of pain and loss, growing churches are transforming their communities with grace.


Ambrose, Mark & Laura

Mark and Laura Ambrose serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Together with their mission team, they seek to improve Cambodian lives with active medical outreach, church planting, and discipleship.

Mark and Laura Ambrose serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Together with their mission team, they seek to improve...

Gim, John & Carol

John and Carol support the church-planting efforts in Cambodia through mentoring and discipleship.

John and Carol support the church-planting efforts in Cambodia through mentoring and discipleship.

Jacobson, Katie

Katie is serving and sharing the hope and love of Christ in Cambodia through mercy ministries as well as helping to facilitate youth discipleship.

Katie is serving and sharing the hope and love of Christ in Cambodia through mercy ministries as well as helping to...

Klingler, Meilin

Meilin will be joining missionaries in Cambodia as a summer intern, teaching English classes and serving in the local church.

Meilin will be joining missionaries in Cambodia as a summer intern, teaching English classes and serving in the local...

Support needs are met. Praise God!

Lim, Tim & Moon Sook

With 50 percent of Cambodians under 21, workers are needed to teach, train, and mentor them to become Christian leaders.

With 50 percent of Cambodians under 21, workers are needed to teach, train, and mentor them to become Christian leaders.

Lee, John

In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, John will be serving with the church’s dorm ministry through discipleship, evangelism, and fellowship with university students.

In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, John will be serving with the church’s dorm ministry through discipleship, evangelism, and...

Lee, Paul & Susan

The Lees desire to be used by God to help build up His kingdom through the planting of churches in Cambodia.

The Lees desire to be used by God to help build up His kingdom through the planting of churches in Cambodia.

McCafferty, Brennan & Becca

The McCaffertys are making disciples and training up new leaders in Cambodia.

The McCaffertys are making disciples and training up new leaders in Cambodia.

Smith, Luke & Sokha

Luke and Sokha Smith work in the countryside of Cambodia with a focus on village church planting and student outreach.

Luke and Sokha Smith work in the countryside of Cambodia with a focus on village church planting and student outreach.

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Transformation in Cambodia


Cambodia Village Internship
Summer Internships
Upcoming Workplace Trip Opportunities
Mission Trips
Serve With Missionaries in Cambodia
Mission Trips

Redeeming Evil for Good: MTW’s Cambodia Team Addresses the Problem of Human Trafficking

Mark and Laura saw the need for the girls and young women coming out of human trafficking to connect to the church. So they began to pray.


The Pandemic Isn’t Over Yet: Many of our Global Communities Continue to Suffer

For many of us, it feels like the pandemic is over. Yet in much of the world, the crisis is the worst and deadliest it has ever been.


A Virtuous Cycle of Missions

From village to city and city to village, MTW missionaries in Cambodia are building on each other's work—and God is transforming lives.


“Please Pick Me:” The gospel at work in the heart of a Cambodian nanny

She'd heard the gospel many times, but had not yet believed. Still she did not think it was an accident that she'd come to work in our home.


In Cambodia, Cows May Hold the Key to Sustainable Church Planting

When a rural Khmer church realized they were too dependent on outside funding, they began to think creatively. They began to think of cows.


MTW Internships: What Are They Like? A Video

Internships (ranging from 1–11 months) are an important aspect of our ministry around the world. Watch one intern's experience in Cambodia.


Blogging Angk’jeay

An MTW intern narrates his summer serving in a Cambodian village.


Sweetness in the Challenge: My Summer in Cambodia

I faced many challenges, yet there was a sweetness in how close we grew to each other during such a short time.


MTW VIsion and Values: Making Disciples Among All Nations

Catch a glimpse of MTW's work globally as we interview missionaries and learn about their current ministry and vision for the future.


Sokha: One Day in the Life of an MTW Missionary - Video

Experience one day in the life of long term missionary Sokha Smith with her husband Luke in Cambodia.


One Day in the Life of an MTW Intern: A Video

Follow Emily Whitley during her everyday adventures as an intern in Cambodia.


Jimmy's Story: A Video

Jimmy, a native Cambodian, is now leading other college students in MTW's dorm ministry. Watch Jimmy's story in his own words.


Reaching Students, Growing Leaders

Cambodian church provides much-needed student housing while cultivating Christian leaders.


How Medical Clinics Can Help Grow Churches: A Video

How do medical teams help grow churches? Find out about the role a medical clinic plays in Angk-jeay village, Cambodia.


Transformation in Cambodia: A Video

Get a glimpse into the amazing work and transformation taking place in Cambodia.


A Buddhist's Grief

As he grieved over the loss of his wife he commented, "Soon there will be no one left to take care of me. Everyone is leaving me."


What is Southeast Asia Partnership? A Video

Southeast Asia Partnership is a missional community of people who have a heart to serve by giving, going, or mobilizing others.


Cambodia: Our First Two Years

This month marks two years of ministry for Sokha and me as a married couple in Angkjeay village. God has been gracious in sustaining us.


Church Planting in the Villages: Video

In a Khmer village, people are hearing the gospel and a church has formed. Eighty percent of the villages have no Christian presence.


One at a Time in Cambodia

Because of her critical spirit, Maly has alienated everyone in her family and in the village. But Sokha had compassion on her.


Pray for Freedom Ministries arm of MTW's work in Cambodia, providing a home for girls and young women rescued from trafficking. Pray that the girls who don't yet know Christ come to know Him.

Pray for the students from Ank'jeay, Cambodia, who are going to college in Phnom Penh, to stay connected to the Church there and make an impact for Christ. 

Pray for a young woman in Cambodia who is studying the Bible with missionaries she nannies for, that she would embrace Christ. 

Pray for the church in Ank'jeay, Cambodia, and for the Khmer pastors using business as mission efforts to sustain their pastoral work. 

Pray for new cross-cultural personnel to bring the good news to Cambodia.

Pray for the Cambodia village of Angk'jeay, for the small church and believers to grow and multiply.

Pray for Cambodia – for young people to be discipled and become leaders in a country with few mature Christian leaders.

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

Pray for God to raise up summer interns to serve on the field, and for Him to work powerfully in and through them while they serve.

Jimmy, a native Cambodian, is now leading other college students in MTW's dorm ministry. Pray for Jimmy and other student leaders to be strong in their faith and to fall increasingly in love with Christ.

Pray for the dorm ministry of the MTW partner church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which provides housing for college students and active ministry among the students.

Pray for the young men and women who are enslaved in the sex industry in Cambodia. Pray also for the ministries we partner with who are helping victims find freedom.

Pray for the families of believers in Cambodia, many of whom are Buddhist and don't understand the claims of Christ.

Pray for young Khmer girls who are repeatedly sold by their families. These families are steeped in poverty and see no other way to survive.

Pray for the Daughters of Cambodia, women who have come out of the sex-trafficking industry, and are now finding their value in Christ.