Rebe McReynolds

Five Ways to Mobilize Your Church Members for Unreached People Groups

By J.R.*, Nov 22, 2016

Over 6,000 unreached people groups exist in the world today. How do you motivate and mobilize the members of your church to participate in the global story of redemption among those unreached and least-reached people groups?

Let me suggest five ways:

1. Show them the grand story of Scripture. As Christopher J.H. Wright reminds us in his book The Mission of God, missions doesn’t exist because of the Bible. The Bible exists because of God’s mission. God has revealed His glorious, global story of grace through the pages of Scripture, and when we enter into that story, we can’t help but see that in the end all nations worship before the throne (Rev. 5), even those who have never heard Christ named among them (Rom. 15:21). If you want your church to grow in passion for unreached people groups, immerse them in the Bible, and show them God’s grand story.

2. Motivate them by grace, not guilt. It’s easy to fall into the trap of motivating people for missions by guilt. But guilt is paltry when compared to the grace of Christ. When we truly experience God’s grace and become passionate about His glory, we will want everyone to hear the good news! Show your people how undeserving they are, how gracious God is, and how glorious obeying His call can be.

3. Train them to pray. If there’s one thing I wish I had experienced more during my seminary and ministry training, it would be learning to pray from and alongside older, more experienced believers. Serving among unreached people groups requires dependence on God, and if we’re not praying, we’re not depending on God. If you want your church to be motivated and ready for ministry among unreached people groups, train them to pray. Let them see you pray. Pray alongside of them. Take them to pray with unbelievers.

4. Equip them to interact cross-culturally. God calls people from the city and the country and from all over to serve Him among unreached people groups. Giving your church members opportunities to interact with other cultures—even unreached peoples who have immigrated to your community—will prepare them to learn how to engage others, evaluate cultures, and examine their own.

5. Encourage them to pursue skills that will help them enter hard-to-reach places. Given that nearly half of unreached people groups in the world are Muslim-majority, it should not be surprising that most of these countries do not give out missionary visas. To enter countries where these unreached people groups live often requires job skills such as teaching, engineering, business entrepreneurship, medicine, and more. As your church members consider education and employment, encourage them to think about how their gifts and skills can fit into God’s global mission among unreached people groups.

*The author is an MTW missionary serving among Muslims. His name has been changed for security reasons. 

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Pray for churches to grow in passion for unreached people groups and to mobilze members to give and serve.

Pray for Muslims who are investigating the truths of Christ in the Bible to come to the conclusion that He is God.

Pray for Muslims to see the reality of Jesus and to surrender their lives to Him regardless of the cost.

Pray for the missionary families who are getting kicked out of sensitive countries because of their Christian faith. 

Pray for the newly formed RUF-G campus ministry in Senegal, for the university students, and the campus pastor in training. 

Pray for West Africa where extreme poverty is rampant and the class divide is vast. But where the gospel is also at work.

Pray for the girls living at the Presbyterian girls home in West Africa. Many of them are coming to faith and asking to be baptized!

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.

Pray that the agricultural training efforts of the Equipping Farming International ministry would make a way for pastors and churches in Africa and around the world to become self-supporting.

Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 


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