One Day in Bulgaria with Lydia Goeglein: A Video

By Tom Mills, Aug 31, 2017
Missionary Lydia Goeglein helps lead The Well, the summer mentored internship program in Bulgaria. Watch and follow along as Lydia walks us through the streets of Sofia and gives us a glimpse into a day in her life as a missionary.
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The Well: Reach out broadly, dive deeply
Summer Internships
Teacher: Sofia Christian Academy
Mentored Internships
1–11 Months

A Wedding, A Reunion, and a Reminder of Impact in Bulgaria

As I glanced around I treasured what I saw: a bunch of American missionaries, volunteers, and children who've served with us in Bulgaria.


Blessings Born Out of Relationships in Bulgaria

A Bulgarian friend, who doesn’t believe in any religion and didn't know how to pray, asked a missionary to pray with her for her family.


One Day in Bulgaria with Dave Culmer: A Video

Spend a day with missionary Dave Culmer in Bulgaria, as he takes us around the city of Sofia where he is a jack of all trades on the team.


Give thanks for the many lives impacted by and among missionaries in Sofia, Bulgaria. Pray for the ministry to continue to multiply.

Pray for Bulgarians who are building friendships with missionaries to become interested in the gospel and drawn to Christ.

Pray for the MTW team in Bulgaria and for those they serve.

Pray for those in Sofia, Bulgaria, who will be exposed to the gospel through our sports ministry. Pray that many would be drawn to Christ as a result of relationships built with believers.

Pray for those coming to faith in Bulgaria. And for those who can't yet believe due to a background deeply rooted in communism and atheism.

Pray for Bulgaria, whose population is considered to be 95% "Orthodox atheist" (Orthodox in name only). Praise God for Bulgarians who are coming to faith and helping to plant churches!

Pray for college students in Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to grasp God's deep love for them and surrender their lives to Him.

Pray for the young Bulgarian women who are introduced to Christ through small group discussions, Bible studies, and English language classes. 

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

Pray for Europeans who have heard the gospel but are hesitant to fully commit to Christ. Pray that God would draw them to Himself.


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