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Thank you for loving and supporting MTW missionaries! We support 543 missionaries serving one year or longer, and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. Can't find someone? Call us at 866-373-6133.
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Joe and Felicity’s vision is to raise up the next generation of young pastors and church leaders in Tokyo.
Craig and Ree Coulbourne are building relationships through outreach at Shin Urayasu Grace Church in Japan through MTW.
Olivia will serve God in Nagoya, Japan, for 11 months beginning in the fall of 2024 with Christ Bible Institute
Jonas and Christina minister at the intersection of the Church and the Arts, spreading the gospel among Tokyo's 36 million residents.
In Nagoya, Japan, Shannon will be teaching English literature, ESL, participating in Heart and Soul community outreach, and working with mercy ministry.
Bob and Sharon Drews disciple, mentor, and teach ministry teams in Tokyo, Japan. By discipling, mentoring, and teaching the ministry teams, they enable the Japanese-speaking missionaries to be more focused and effective in direct leadership and evangelism among the Japanese.
Karis serves at CBI using her gifts for evangelism to help missionary interns, short-term teams, and CBI students engage in evangelism to the community, and partners with a local Japanese church in worship ministry.
The Godefroys will serve in Nagoya, Japan, along with a team focused on church planting and on running a school for missionary kids.
Beyongseob and Kyungsoon Han serve through preaching, teaching, and church planting ministries in Chiba, Japan.
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