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Peter and Diane Bakelaar serve as church planters in Nagoya, Japan. Together they lead Bible studies, disciple new believers, and communicate the gospel in Japanese.
Rachel Bauserman works with MTW Next in Nagoya, Japan. She seeks to actively engage the emerging generation with the Gospel. She also serves missionary kids across the Asia/Pacific area.
Mark and Megumi Bocanegra work with the Presbyterian Church of Japan (PCJ) in Chiba, Japan to train up aspiring young men in the church to be future elders.
Jane Brinkerhoff is involved in leading evangelistic Bible studies and discipling new believers in Nagoya, Japan.
Roberta Brown is a MTW missionary in Chiba, Japan. She teaches in conversational English classes and leads Bible studies in a grace-based church-planting movement.
Brooks and Riva Cain serve as MTW missionaries in Nagoya, Japan. They are a part of Next, equipping people to reach the next generation for Christ.
Bea will serve in Chiba, Japan, as part of a college ministry team, assist in an international school, and minister at a local church.
In partnership with Shiga Church, Michael and Cathalain Carter are working with a new church plant in downtown Nagoya, Japan.
Craig and Yumiko Chapin are working with Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya, Japan. Craig teaches New Testament at Christ Bible Seminary and serves as the seminary’s academic dean and librarian. He also serves on CBI’s leadership team. Yumiko’s passion is music and hospitality.
Matt and Carly are part of a core team planting a new church in Chiba, Japan. They hope to engage and disciple young people on and off the college campus.
Joe and Felicity’s vision is to raise up the next generation of young pastors and church leaders in Tokyo.
Craig and Ree Coulbourne are building relationships through outreach at Shin Urayasu Grace Church in Japan through MTW.
Olivia will serve God in Nagoya, Japan, for 11 months beginning in the fall of 2024 with Christ Bible Institute
Jonas and Christina are part of MTW’s Makuhari team, serving through worship, discipleship, teaching Bible studies, hospitality, and shepherding ministries.
In Nagoya, Japan, Shannon will be teaching English literature, ESL, participating in Heart and Soul community outreach, and working with mercy ministry.
Bob and Sharon Drews disciple, mentor, and teach ministry teams in Tokyo, Japan. By discipling, mentoring, and teaching the ministry teams, they enable the Japanese-speaking missionaries to be more focused and effective in direct leadership and evangelism among the Japanese.
Karis serves at CBI using her gifts for evangelism to help missionary interns, short-term teams, and CBI students engage in evangelism to the community, and partners with a local Japanese church in worship ministry.
The Godefroys will serve in Nagoya, Japan, along with a team focused on church planting and on running a school for missionary kids.
Beyongseob and Kyungsoon Han serve through preaching, teaching, and church planting ministries in Chiba, Japan.
Matt and Emma will serve in Nagoya, Japan, as part of the MTW Next Asia-Pacific team reaching the next generation.
Gardner is returning to serve with MTW in Japan this summer, using her dance background to partner with Community Arts Tokyo in sharing the gospel.
Lyzi is delighted that the Lord opened the doors for her to serve in Nagoya, Japan, using the skills He has equipped her with in her career.
Kuni serves as an MTW national partner at Christ Bible Seminary (CBI) in Nagoya, Japan.
Yuji and Eri will be serving in Chiba, Japan as part of the church planting and school planting ministry of the MTW Tokyo/Chiba Team.
The Jensens' ministry unites their love for East Asia with their desire to see Jesus Christ worshiped among the unreached.
Mark and Esther hope to serve the Japanese through theological education and discipleship.
God gave Darlene a heart for Japan, where less than 1 percent of the nation’s 127 million people are Christians.
Melanie serves in Chiba, Japan, where she helps with church planting, organizing the youth ministry, and assisting a local church.
Vanessa is excited to spread the gospel through creative expression in Japan this summer, serving in Nagoya and Tokyo.
The Jordans are excited to help establish and teach at Nagoya Christian School in Nagoya, Japan.
In Japan, Linda uses her talent in teaching English language classes to meet and mingle with Japanese people.
Mark and Rachel are serving with Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya where they assist with language school and infrastructure and outreach support.
Rachel will be serving in Chiba for two years as a campus and college ministry intern with Chiba University and a local church plant.
Roger & Abi lead the Community Arts team, resourcing church planting through the arts.
Pastor Tom and Karen Mirabella are part of a team that is working to bring hope in Japan, planting and strengthening gospel-centered churches in the Toyko/Chiba area.
Elizabeth is excited to go back to Japan and lead the dual language program at the school where she interned.
Andrew and Megan are members of the Community Arts Tokyo team, working to facilitate church-planting alongside local pastors and artists.
The Newkirks serve with Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya. They feel a burden to see God’s glorious kingship recognized and adored by the Japanese.
Wayne and Amy are church planting in Nagoya, Japan and hope to see the kingdom expand throughout the country.
The heart of the Odates is to plant a gospel-centered international church (PCJ) in the downtown area of Chiba City with support from MTW Japan.
Anthony and Sayo are serving with the MTW Tokyo/Chiba Team in bilingual worship, evangelism, and in outreach activities for a potential future church planting project.
Through the Lausanne Movement many of today’s key global mission strategies were introduced to the global Church.
Oscar and Nancy are looking forward to church planting, discipleship, teaching elementary school to missionaries’ children, and assisting in the opening of a new Christian school in Nagoya, Japan.
Lauren plans to serve in Chiba, Japan, and hopes to reach Japanese students through discipleship and fellowship.
Laura is now thrilled to return to Japan to serve long term on a church-planting team in Chiba, assisting with women's ministry through a local church and discipling middle school and high school girls.
Oakley will serve at Covenant Community School International in Chiba, Japan, as an intern for 11 months.
The Pohls excited to partner with MTW’s Makuhari team reaching a densely populated residential area on the Tokyo Bay, east of downtown Tokyo.
Rachel will be serving in Chiba, Japan, at Covenant Community School International teaching, encouraging, and discipling students.
Nagoya is one of the biggest cities in Japan and Brett and Taylor serve as a members and leaders of the CBI (Christ Bible Institute) team in the heart of the city.
The Tokyo/Chiba team is encouraged by every person who turns to Christ and by the spiritual growth among believers.
Asa will be interning in Nagoya, Japan, for 11 months. He will serve the team at Christ Bible Institute (CBI) as a logistics and communication support and outreach intern.
Japan is a country in desperate need of hearing the message of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
The Schafers have a vision for sharing the gospel and helping to establish communities of faith in Tokyo.
Corrie is serving at Christ Bible Institute, which operates a seminary in the city of Nagoya.
Audrey will teach at CCCI in Chiba, Japan, a school supported by Mission to the World that seeks to create a space of affordable, Christian education for the children of missionaries serving in Japan as well as other students.
Will & Jessica will be serving in Japan in the Setagaya ward of Tokyo. They hope to share the gospel with their neighbors, encourage young families, and disciple college students.
Robert and Lisa Stewart serve with Mission to the World in Japan. They focus on community outreach through Bible studies, programs for children, and participation in community events.
Yuma and Ashley’s vision is to make disciples in Chiba, Japan, and to advance the kingdom in the East Kanto region.
Shohei is serving in Japan with theological education, preaching and church planting.
Angel & Wally's vision is to teach the hope of the gospel to the Japanese through profound relationship and the arts.
As part of the Nagoya team and the Community Arts team, Holly will be able to support a new church plant by helping with English outreach programs, assisting college ministry, and working at Gallery NANI in Seto.
Gary and Lois Watanabe will be based in Nagoya, Japan and serve the City to City Asia Pacific networks.
Tom and Teresa Wilson direct gospel, classical, and church choirs in Nagoya, Japan through Mission to the World.
Thomas and Kristin will serve in Nagoya, Japan, at Christ Bible Institute and Kita Yokkaichi Church to help raise up a new generation of leaders in the Japanese church.
Phillip will be supporting a young church plant in the city center of Nagoya, Japan.
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